Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Aesthete's Alphabet - F is for Feathers

You could knock me over with a feather, but it was while I was browsing through one of my favourite blogs that inspiration struck for this alphabet post (thanks Andie from Divine Theatre....a nice feather in your cap).  Us décor enthusiasts are all birds of a feather. We like to to feather our nests. We don't necessarily believe that fine feathers make fine birds and don't like to rustle any feathers, but we do like our homes to look in fine feather....I'll stop now before I see feathers fly or you decide to tar and feather me for using so many cliché's in one paragraph!

















Vintage blue bottles with feathers




                                          “Hope” is the thing with feathers
                                                 By Emily Dickinson
                                           “Hope” is the thing with feathers -
                                              That perches in the soul -
                                        And sings the tune without the words -
                                              And never stops – at all -
                                      And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard -
                                          And sore must be the storm -
                                         That could abash the little Bird
                                          That kept so many warm -
                                         I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
                                           And on the strangest Sea -
                                            Yet – never – in Extremity,
                                             It asked a crumb – of me.



Till next time
Sharon x
Image source:3. Organise and Decorate Everything  4. White Cabana 8. Kara Rosenlund 9. Divine Theatre 17 Miss Mustard Seed 21 Sacred Gifts Studio 24 The Recued Home 31 Country Style Mag 32 Dee Day.  All other images via Pinterest and Tumblr
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