Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Aesthete's Alphabet - O is for Outside

When it comes to creating a beautiful home, the outside deserves as much attention as the inside, and it is often a lot more difficult to achieve the desired results. Your have to contend with the elements, you have to deal with moles, aphids and suchlike, you have unhappy plants for no apparent reason, (very often when you have planted a symmetrical pair, the one dies, or just doesn't grow....why is that?), your lawn can look pristine and then overnight, your dogs decide to dig a crater in the middle of it! You also have to be extremely patient because it can take years to get the look you were going for. And then there is always something that needs to be fed, watered, clipped, repotted or pruned. I have great admiration for people who create a beautiful outside area comparison, creating a beautiful interior is a breeze.

Here's to all those fabulous gardeners out there who truly make our world a more beautiful place.
Till next time
Sharon x

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