New Stile of Bedrooms |
The most important elements with respect to this part of the house , site selection room. Preferably a room overlooking the garden or street , if there were not buildings on the opposite side so that we create an extension visually to the outside gives the place a sense of breadth and openness .After selecting the site, you can start dealing with the defects that would affect the sense of comfort must be the model room and decorated and furnished , consistent with the nature of the personal style of a person's life , and therefore to be selected classic character or Asrath or other .And of course the most important units are favored by some of the bed a little height so that they can climb it easily and without effort , while others favored for high -class Chinese and Japanese , on the basis that lends distinction to the operation room and a sense of capacitive at the same time . We must be aware of the meaning of the psychological impact of color and the ability to change moods and emotions and physical responses .Of the most important characteristics of the bedroom availability of tranquility and calm them , so we should choose the colors what it is capable of delivering those sensations , and Therapists psychologists advise some patients with depression and insomnia to change the colors of your bedroom or Mfrucadtha and Staúrha in many cases, and I remember a patient who recovered after he advised her to switch colors gloomy room that lived between the walls , and in particular heavy curtains that were Tsdelha throughout the day.Tips for choosing colors Bedrooms:Red : the color of the task to raise the centers of attention in the brain , it increases alertness and motivation , but it fits the feel sluggish , but little of it until there is enough room for relaxation .Yellow: prefer not to use it in the bedroom , because it is the color of the sun and the urge to wake up , activity and sleep with him is impossible , but it is appropriate for the classroom .Emerald Green : extending self lively , especially if mixed with white , and there is a misconception you should pay attention to him and he can choose the color white alone helps to feel comfortable , but it is tiring to the eye , so preferably mixed with other colors such as green emerald beige or cream .Pink : a symbol of femininity and tenderness and gives a sense of reassurance and tenderness , especially in the bedrooms of girls.Blue: the best colors for bedrooms , because it raises morale and gives the atmosphere a sense of comfort and relaxation , preferably used in the rooms of people who suffer from insomnia and nightmares In warm areas prefer to resort to grades turquoise snow that give a sense of cool , and reflect heat at the same time , decreases tension .
New Stile of Bedrooms |
New Stile of Bedrooms |
New Stile of Bedrooms |
New Stile of Bedrooms |