Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve + a few of my favorite things!

I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a wonderful holiday!! Thanks for stopping by my little old blog when you can. I truly appreciate it! It feels good to know that my time spent inspires someone! (even for an instant).

Here's a recap of what is on my mind and what I am loving. (crazy day so this is the non photo-shopped version).

Images in order:

1. Full wreaths and big bows!! We're fans of those around here. My wreath looks very similar to this one but I added a cool looking bird I found to it!

2. Here is a snap shot of my daughter helping me make sugar cookies yesterday. My sis, Mom and our children spent the day baking and decorating. I won't lie it was much calmer when my daughter was there alone but we had a great time and made over 150 cookies! Yum! P.S. Bakers usually roll dough on marble counter tops. I'm not sure if it was the dough or the marble but the cookies rolled out beautifully.

3. These are NOT our cookies but I would love to decorate some like this. (maybe next year).. This entire photo shoot is beautiful and much worth a peek.

4.  I love a pretty holiday outfit and a signature cocktail! Looking forward to both later today!

5. Shoes with bows? Love them when they are done right like these!!

6. Hoping for some peace and calm over the next couple days.

Enjoy your holiday, wishing you a very Merry Christmas...xoxo
I am signing off for a few days..

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