Monday, February 2, 2015

The Chippendales

 Before you get too excited, I'm talking about these Chippendales...

....not these!

I own 2 bamboo Chippendale style chairs which I love. I use the word "own" quite loosely here. Let's just say they are on long term loan from my sister and I hope she doesn't read this post, because it might remind her that I still have them!


They have spent time in my bedroom, on my patio, at my desk and are currently at either end of my breakfast table. That's the appeal of these chairs, they really are very versatile. Mine have stayed neutral in colour, but they definitely lend themselves to being painted black, white or the brightest of shades. Here are some lovely examples.....




Because you have so patiently scrolled through this post, I will reward you with another pic of the other Chippendales!

Till next time

Sharon x

Image source: 1. Veranda, 2. google, 3. Unknown, 4. Nina-Jizhar-Interior-Design 5. Tiffany Eastman Interiors 6. Tom Stringer Design Partners 7. via Eco Furniture Blog 8. via Mudrick 9. Unknown, 10. Gaslamp Antiques 11. Via Decorpad 12. Tumblr, 13 & 14 via Georgiana Design 15. Tumblr 16. Wisteria 17. Decorare 18. Crush cul de Sac 19. via Founterior, 20 via Thrift Fabulous 21. via Zsa Zsa Bellagio 22. Traditional Home 23. Veranda 24. Tumblr 25. Windsor Smith Home 26. via Inside Living 27 John Jacob Interior, 28 Google
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