Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Calm and Collected


  Hearing the stories from people who had to evacuate their homes because of the devastating wildfires in Cape Town recently, it was interesting to hear what items people took with them. In general, photo albums, laptops (because of the photos), personal documents, a few sentimental items and of course, pets and animals were the things that people loaded into their cars. It makes us realise that everything else we own is just material and immaterial in the bigger scheme of things.

 However, we were lucky enough not to be affected by the fire and my heart goes out to those families who have lost everything and have to start again. It must be so traumatic!

I had a good look around my house and tried to imagine, if I lost everything and had to start again, what would the things be that I would want to replace and it struck me that I would probably be happy with less than half of my possessions. When I came across this home on the web, I was struck by the calm and collected atmosphere that prevails. While it isn't minimalist, as such, it has a clean, uncluttered look that really appeals. If I was in the position that I had to start again - this is the look and feel I would go for. Walls left predominantly bare, the absence of knick knacks, just a few carefully edited pieces to give it a warmer feel. 


 I love the steel and glass front door with the inviting view inside,

While the living room is spacious and elegant, it still feels warm and inviting.


 It leads into the kitchen on one side and the entry hall on the adjacent side.


I love the simple lines of the staircase.

 The living room overlooks the patio, pool and pool room.

 A close up of the pool room. Love that fireplace!

 A beautiful setting.


 Back inside, the view from the entry hall into the dining room. I love that they have used the same flooring throughout most of the downstairs area.

This cosy room serves as music room and TV room and I imagine would be well used in the winter months.

A close up of the beautiful fireplace.

 Another TV watching area. Big screen and comfy sofa with slipcovers - perfect if you have children.

 The kitchen is simple and uncluttered. The slip covered bar stools are a good idea in a kitchen.


A close up of the range. The extractor is neatly hidden in the chimney hood. The combination of cupboards and open shelving is a practical solution.

 Here you can see the breakfast area with a view onto the patio. Such pretty light fittings used throughout.

 Adorable sink in the cloak room.

And finally, the gorgeous bedroom! 

I could live so happily in this house. How about you?

Till next time

Sharon x

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