Monday, May 4, 2015

Shelter Loves...

Hello May, so glad you arrived!! I pushed Friday's Shelter Loves post to today. I just couldn't squeeze it in on Friday. Here is what I was checking out last week!!


1.  I buy myself a couple new pairs of sandals every summer. These are on my hit list but I better scoop them up soon....they are selling out.
2. My daughter's room is coming along! I am creating a design board for her, much like I do for my clients! I have two paintings (someplace in one of my ten unopened moving boxes) and I need to get one more piece. I thought this site had some fun, colorful art at a reasonable price.
3. Krista Ewart is one of my favorite designers. Her home is in this month's House Beautiful. Every one of my client's usually has a vision and adjectives that describe what feeling they would like to create in their homes. I would say two of my personal descriptive words for my home would be: happy + chic! Krista's designs are just that. Bright and cheerful but still sophisticated!!
4.  I need more yoga in my life!! I run but need more time to stretch and relax too. I am going to try this routine a few mornings a week.
5.  Matty and I had a blast at the Derby party on Saturday. I'll share a photo of us on my happenings post this week! I came across this image in my Derby image search.. I am adoring this summertime look for a guy.
6.  I have to remind myself of this every now and again. From afar some people's lives, jobs, relationships etc. appear flawless. It feels as though they have the big picture and all the details very figured out...

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