Sunday, September 13, 2015

Time Out

I had such a great blog post planned for this week. I was going to wow you with my wit, delight you with my humour, impress you with my intellect and transport you with my visuals.... but you're just going to have to wait for another time, because I can't, for the life of me, remember what I was going to say.  (I'm sure it was going to be quite spectacular though!)

It has been a challenging week, to say the least. While battling a bout of persistent flu, I had to go to my aunt's funeral earlier in the week- so sad to see her husband and children so bereft, then yesterday had take a hasty trip to the hospital emergency after my oldest son suffered a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting which resulted in an overnight hospital stay, then later that day, my 13 year old closed his thumb in a car door, so now I'm feeling like a bit of time out is in order. Since the words seem to have left my brain, I will rely on these pictures to illustrate where I would like to be right now. Any of these will do.

 goes to go I will see you in the traffic on Monday morning!
Have a good week. Mine can only be an improvement on the last one!

Till next time

Sharon x

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