Sunday, November 22, 2015

How To Use Potatoes For Hair Growth

How To Use Potatoes For Hair Growth

Potato Juice for Hair Growth

 The Preparation Method

    To prepare fresh potato juice for the hair, wash off the potato and peel off the skin properly.
    Now cut the potato into small pieces and mix them in the blender. This will grind the potato into pure form.
    In case you feel the puree is too thick, a little water can be added to it.
    Once done, strain the puree in a fresh and clean bowl, using a muslin cloth. This will separate the juice from the leftovers of the potato and give you the extract that is needed for hair growth.
    You can use this liquid. Make sure that you prepare the potato juice, fresh each time before use.

 The Application Method
To apply the potato juice on the hair for enhanced hair growth and thickness you need to gently massage it on the scalp. Use the rest of the juice on the hair strands. This should be covered with a shower cap. Leave this liquid on the hair for about 20-25 minutes before rinsing off with water. This should be followed once a week for visible outcomes of hair growth.
Along with growth, potato juice adds sheen to the hair. Apart from that, it keeps you away from bad smell in the hair unlike beer and onion juice.

 Potato Juice, Honey and Egg Mask that Helps

A hair mask can be prepared by blending potato juice with some honey and the yolk of one egg. Massage it onto the scalp and the hair strands. Do concentrate on the roots as it will help in activating the hair follicles. This solution should be left on the hair for at least 30 minutes before you plan to wash it off. This will give the hair the time to extract the benefits of the natural products. Apart from this, you can be rest assured that it won’t have any side effects on the hair because all natural products are used in the making of the mask.

Using this mask will add a lot of moisture and deeply nourish the hair as compared to using potato and water that will only help in triggering the hair growth.

 5 Top Benefits of Potato Juice to Hair

    Faster Hair Growth
    Adds Shine
    Acts as a conditioner if used in combination with products like honey and egg.
    Cleanses off the scalp
    It keeps the scalp healthy.

Just adhere to this home remedy in your routine and you won’t regret making this decision! Potato for hair growth will give you hair that will surely do many envy you.

Source: Stylecraze
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