It's been a while since I last blogged. For some reason I struggled to find anything to inspire a post. I even contemplated giving up entirely on my blog. Do other bloggers go through that? I just had to remind myself how much pleasure it's given me over the 5 plus years I've been at it and I feel I must just soldier on through the inspirational drought and hopefully the rains will come again.
Speaking of rain, we really need some here in Cape Town, but I must say, I've really been enjoying these beautiful balmy autumn days that we've been having.
So, onto today's post on barn doors. I really like the rustic, industrial feel they lend to an interior and they seem to work well in both traditional and more contemporary settings. .Here are some pictures I thought you might enjoy.

They are a practical solution for large openings between rooms that could be problematic for traditional doors.

They are also very useful for covering areas that one doesn't always want on display.
Here they are cleverly used to hide an outside barbeque area ...
.... a laundry area, above and a few pantries, below.

They can also be used between a bedroom and en-suite bathroom....
....and ingeniously, to hide the TV when not in use.

Thanks for your patience and hopefully my blogging mojo will return and you will hear from me again shortly!.
Till next time
Sharon x