Monday, June 6, 2016

You Should Have Rosemary In Your Kitchen Cabinet

 You Should Have Rosemary In Your Kitchen Cabinet


 You Should Have Rosemary In Your Kitchen Cabinet

I KNOW that many of you already know about rosemary and use it in many cooking recipes. I, for one, even add it to boiled drinks, and I really enjoy how its delicious aroma calms my nerves. However, I doubt that many people have thought of rosemary as anything but an equal to other herbs and condiments, which is a mistake since rosemary has many great health benefits, including:

1- Rosemary has a great enhancing effect on some cognitive powers such as memory and learning. It is even believed that it can protect you from Alzheimer disease. Many scientists believe that this is due to the fact that it contains carnosic acid.

2- Rosemary has natural elements with great effect at alleviating pain. This means you can drink tea boiled with rosemary to relieve a headache. You can also use its essence oil as a topical treatment to relieve muscle pain.

3- Rosemary has several protective properties, that is, it has antiviral, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that work at treating and protecting your body from different ailments. In short it is the best assistance your immune system could get.

4- Using a rosemary wash (rosemary boiled in water) on your hair stabilizes the production of oils in the scalp. It also reduces dandruff and itchiness in the scalp
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