Friday, July 22, 2016

Lust for Linen

I have always championed crisp white cotton bed linen with as high a thread count as your budget can stretch to. But I have to confess to having lustful thoughts of late. I blame Pinterest! I did a search on pure linen bed linen and I've now become smitten with the idea.

There is something about it that oozes lived-in luxury, crumpled elegance, laid back style and faded glamour that I am finding irresistible.  One enthusiastic pinner compared sleeping in a bed with linen sheets to floating on a cloud, wrapped in cashmere! Well, wouldn't we all like to be doing that!

It conjures up ideas in my head of lazy lie-in's, breakfast in bed, snuggling with kids and dogs and husbands (well maybe just one husband). Relaxed living at it's best. I wonder if I succumb to some of this linen whether I will start getting breakfast in bed?

The thing that I'm not so sure about is this - if I get some for my bed - will it look like these beautiful, stylized, artfully creased and crumpled images, or will it just look like I'm a bit of a slag that couldn't be bothered to make my bed properly?  

It definitely isn't a neat and crisp bedroom look.

And if I indulge, do I stick to white or should I choose some of the gorgeous pastels, greys and naturals instead?

 It seems that there are more questions than answers!

Thoughts please.....

Till next time

Sharon x

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