Thursday, August 25, 2016

Sharing and Shopping

I would love to introduce you to Audrey Friedman and French Vintage Home. 


I plan to be Audrey in my next life. She gets to travel between  Dallas, USA and the Dordogne region of France, where she has restored a fifteenth century Chateau nestled in fields of lavender and sunflowers. When she is not entertaining friends, she spends her time scouring Brocantes to find the gorgeous antique treasures she sells in her online shop, French Vintage Home. Audrey also has a blog which you can follow to read more about her travels, shopping and entertaining, all which she does with her flawless style.


These vintage French mahogany knives give you a taste of what is available in her shop.
You can also access her website on my sidebar.

While on the subject of online shopping, if you follow my blog you should already know about my friend, Miranda with her fabulous South African based online shop NetDécor. Its the perfect solution for those busy people who battle to find the time to go from shop to shop to find that special something for your home. Miranda constantly finds new and beautiful items to add to her store. You can also access the NetDécor website on the sidebar of my blog.



A small sample of some of the lovely items available from NetDécor.

Finally, Oflocal is a website about the best of everything local. The public creates a list of what they consider the best 10 of anything from wedding photographers to craft markets and vote for them throughout the year. Here is a list of the 10 best home decor stores in Cape Town. Have a look and vote for your favourites. My personal favourite is, without question, Block and Chisel. They have a store quite close to my home and if ever I am in need of inspiration or just a bit of cheering up, I go and pay them a visit and just lurk for a while. Their in-store room designs are just beautiful, but be warned, you might go home and want to turf out everything you own and start from scratch!



Block and Chisel's current promotion called "Woven Whimsy" 

So there you go people, some useful info for you. Dust off those credit cards (as if they have time to gather any dust) and get shopping. 

Thanks to all of you that entered my giveaway. The winner will be drawn on Monday.

Till next time

Sharon x

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