Friday, September 23, 2016

Mix don't match!

One of my pet hates in home decor is matching furniture suites. They make a room look so bland, boring and unimaginative and should simply not be tolerated!

Probably the worst in my book are those matching bedroom suites (think Joshua Doore) where the bedside tables, match the dressing table as well as the chest of drawers and possibly the headboard. That is the biggest no-no for me. That's non-non in French, nein-nein in German and nyet-nyet in Russian, just in case there is any misunderstanding. Please people, don't go there!

 I can live with matching bedside tables at a push, although contrasting ones look so much more interesting, but that is as far as it should go. If you have matching bedside tables, then consider treating them differently to add some interest as in the photo below.

 If you are unfortunate enough to have inherited a matching bedroom suite, or bought one in a moment of extreme bad taste, you need to relocate part of this matching set to another room. Move the dressing table to your guest room and the chest of drawers to your living room. Go and do it right now...I'll wait!

There you see .... so much better.... now we can all breath easier!

Just in case you still aren't quite sure, here are some pretty mismatched bedrooms to inspire you.....



Have a lovely weekend

Till next time 
Sharon x

Images : 1 A Life of Beauty and Grace, 2. Joshua Doore 3. Elle Decor, 4. Decorpad 5. House Beautiful 6. Kevin Harris Architect 7. Vincent Wolf Blog, 8 & 9 Pinterest 10. French Provicial Furniture
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