I used to sew. Quite a lot actually. I was was very industrious in my day. I made all sorts of things which I used to supply to shops and sell at markets. Then I became too lazy busy. And my sewing machine started to gather dust except for the occasional item of kids clothing requiring adjustment. But lately I seem to have been driven to sew again and I've made a few things that I thought I would share with you.

I am questioning the wisdom of sharing these ideas because my not so mild case of anal retentiveness will become most apparent. From now on going forward I will refer to it as a case of AR because that word, that A-word, try as I might, does not roll easily off the tongue for me. Just as well I didn't choose a career in the medical profession.

First off - coat hanger covers. As you now know, I am somewhat AR so I like all my hangers to be matching and I like the wooden variety as I think it makes my clothes look more expensive than they really are. But the problem is that if you have an item of clothing that has a wide neckline or thin straps or is of a silky fabric, they just slip right off. For those less aesthetically inclined people, a rubber band wound around either end of the hanger works pretty well, but for those PLM's (people like me) a coat hanger cover made from unbleached calico is the way to go. Simple, effective and looks good.
The second item is a bag pillow. Yes, I'm afraid, you heard right. I have a bit of a thing for handbags and it really irks me when they flop over on the shelf of my dressing room.
You could stuff them with tissue paper or the like, but I came up with the, might I say, quite ingenious idea of a bag pillow. Just measure the size of the interior of your bag, cut the unbleached calico to size, sew up 3 sides, stuff with filling (or fill with stuffing) and then sew up the 4th side. Works like a charm! I might even patent it.
Then, there is the problem of the floppy boot. I have heard people using cut off pool noodles to stuff their boots with - I'm sure they work very well, but PLM's might prefer my idea.
Cut a cone shaped piece of fabric. Sew up the one side, fill with stuffing and here's the charm, add some dried lavender or any other nice smelling pot pourri, and then tie the top with a piece of pretty ribbon. Voila! Pool noodle - be gone I say!
And finally, this isn't something I made, just found, on a shopping trip with my husband which in itself is a very rare occasion because he hates shopping! On a Sunday morning wander through Kalk Bay en route to breakfast I came across this old bowls trophy in a junk shop and thought it would make the perfect hat stand.
And it does.....
If you are in touch with your inner domestic goddess, feel free to copy my ideas. If you are not such a dab hand with the sewing machine, and live in the Cape Town area, I have these items for sale (except the hat stand). Just email me.
Because you have indulged me by reading about my ground breaking ideas, I am going to reward you by showing you some dressing rooms that appeal to me.
Till next time
Sharon x
Dressing room images via Pinterest and Tumblr
Other images my own