Friday, November 18, 2016

The secret ingredient for the best brownies (EVER!)

OK, I have a quick but AMAZING recipe for you today! This would be a perfect treat after the pumpkin pie next week. Or this weekend. Tonight? 

We had friends over last weekend and one of my girlfriends brought brownies. Now I like a good's just not always my pick for a dessert. If you offer me one, duh, I'm going to take it. But it's not one I'd pick to make on a whim. 

Until now. :) 

I must introduce you to the most amazing brownie...EVER. There is a special, secret ingredient that will rock your world. I asked my friend for the recipe, thinking it was some super special family thing passed down through the generations -- and had to laugh when she told me she made them with a box recipe. ;) 

First of all, I didn't even KNOW about dark chocolate brownies. Um, hello. I didn't like dark chocolate till a few years ago and now it's my favorite. There's actually two secret ingredients but one didn't surprise me as much as the other...can you guess?: 

The cinnamon wasn't a big shock, I mean, have you had chili with cinnamon? Next level stuff. But the kicker (literally) was the chili powder. Man oh man...these are DELISH. Hands down the best brownie I've ever tasted. 

You make them according to the box (she subbed coconut oil for vegetable oil and I do the same) and then you add three teaspoons cinnamon and one to two teaspoons of chili powder. 

That's it! You'll notice something different, but it's not overwhelming -- just GOOD. I used one teaspoon of chili in my batch (I had to make one to, uhh, show you all) and it was perfect, but I will definitely try more. 

It's hard to describe why these are so good, you just have to try them for yourself. We were all standing around and oohing and ahhing over the flavor. So yummy. I wish I could give you all a sample. :)

I love to share simple, delicious recipes and this was one! You really must try it. Have you tried this trick in your brownies? I bet it would be good in chocolate cake or cup cakes as well...I'll try that next. 

Have a wonderful weekend my friends! 

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