Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Aesthete's Alphabet - K is for Knitting


 It has been a cool and rainy day here in Cape Town and I'm settling down to put this post together after a long lunch with some of our favourite friends and a few too many glasses of wine. The dishes have been washed, the house is tidy and I am sitting on the sofa under a blanket feeling very relaxed, but also very lazy and can't really think of a whole lot to say about knitting, other than as much as I love hand knitted blankets, scarves and so on, I am far too impatient to ever take it up myself,  so I will have to content myself by admiring other people's beautiful handiwork. (Whew....that was a really long sentence! Clearly wine doesn't improve my prose.)

Wishing you all a lovely week. We go away on holiday on Friday so the "L" post might only happen when we get back. I'm nearly half-way with my alphabet and haven't yet run out of ideas, but I'm sure that the Q, X, Y and Z are going to be tricky. If you have any fabulous ideas, send them my way please.
Till next time
Sharon x
All pictures via Pinterest and Tumblr