Sunday, July 21, 2013

Grey Goodness

Grey must be one of the most useful and versatile colours in decorating.
It is an intermediate colour between black and white, a neutral or achromatic colour, meaning literally a colour "without colour".

There probably isn't a colour that can't be combined with grey.

Despite its popularity in decorating today, it had very humble origins. In antiquity and the Middle Ages, grey was the colour of undyed wool, and was the colour most commonly worn by peasants and the poor. The clothing of women working in the factories and workshops of Paris in the 19th century was usually grey. This gave them the name of "grisettes. "Gris" or grey also meant drunk, and the name "grisette" was also given to the lower class or Parisian prostitutes!.

So grey has come a long way and I think it is here to stay. And there probably are at least fifty shades of it!

Hope your week is anything but grey!
Till next time
Sharon x

Image source:  1,2. Pinterest, 3,4 Tumblr, 5. L'Ambience 6. Decorare, 7. Tumblr, 8,9, Charming Spaces 10, 11, 12, 13, Tumblr, 14 A touch of Lux, 15, 16. Décor de Provence 17 Pinterest, 18 Simply Pix 19 Design Files, 20 The Vintage Home 21. This Ivy House, 22 Toves Sammesurium, 23, 24, Zsa Zsa Bellagio, 25 Tumblr