Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Aesthete's Alphabet - H is for Hearth


 We have been in the grip of a heatwave here in Cape Town so a roaring fire hasn't been top of mind, but a combination of landing up with a bootload of firewood, a very welcome rainy day and reading about all the ice and snow in the northern hemisphere, somehow made it an appropriate choice.
 For centuries, the hearth was such an integral part of a home, usually its central and most important feature, so even though hearth is quite an old-fashioned word, the feelings it conjures up of cosiness, family, togetherness and comfort are all things we still strive for today.  Here are my favourite "hearth" images for you to enjoy....

So .....friends.....keep those home fires burning....
Till next time
Sharon x
Image Source: 1. Euro Antiques Market 2. Saladino 3. Via Splenderosa 4. via 5. via From Purdue to Provence 6. Charming Spaces 7.  Via Cote de Texas 8. via House to Home 9. via Latte Lisa (Photo Morton Germund) 10. Charming Spaces 11. via Splenderosa 12, 13 Tumblr 14. Casa Decorada 15. Via Doesn't Cost the Earth 16. Belgian Pearls 17. Cote de Sud via Linen and Lavender 18. Roses and Rust 19. Unknown 20 via Interior Designipedia