Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Aesthete's Alphabet - J is for Jugs

I have long had an obsession with jugs. I have been collecting white and cream ones for many years but have now finally forced myself to stop. The withdrawal has been hard. I seem to be drawn to them, like a moth to a flame. If I came across a giant one like this one below, I know that I would fall off the wagon!

I justify it ....saying to myself, or anyone who cares to listen....that they have such varied vases for flowers, containers for cutlery on the table, as a holder for wooden spoons next to the stove, for watering pot plants, filling bird baths, I could go on and on. But if I am honest, mine are mostly decorative.

When I first started oil painting classes may years ago, my first paintings (see below) were of jugs. Anyone visiting our house would be instructed by my sweet husband to "come and see my wife's jugs" !?! I suspect the male visitors were always somewhat disappointed!

But enough of my prattle, I will let you enjoy these images quietly on your own...


I will end this post with a picture of a painting my favourite artist, art teacher and friend, Belinda Arde. See my sidebar for a link to her website.
Stay tuned for k is for......
Till next time
Sharon x
Image source: Image 2 Veranda Mag, Images 5, 10 25 & 32 Own pictures, Image 11 via Design Chic, Image 16 Tone on Tone, Image 37 Belinda Arde, all other images via pinterest and Tumblr