Sunday, May 5, 2013

Bathing Beauties

The ultimate bathrooms, in my opinion, are the ones that are furnished as you would any other room in your home, with a beautiful antique chest, or perhaps a glass fronted armoire, an exquisitely upholstered chair, a daybed or chaise longue, maybe even a Persian carpet and certainly a chandelier. I think I have visions of a Downton Abbey type of existence when the genteel lady would languish in a copper tub in her boudoir.....

Although the reality is, if I lived in that era, I would probably be scrubbing off the grime of the day in a zinc tub in the kitchen!

I love the beautiful wide floorboards in this bathroom (so does the dog, it seems)

A simple upholstered chair is often all you need to add warmth to your bathroom and to lift it from being a functional space to a beautiful space.

 If you have the room, a daybed or chaise longue would be a real luxury in a bathroom.


So much nicer to store your bathroom accessories in a beautiful antique than a purely functional bathroom cupboard.

This beautiful chest of drawers makes a huge impact in this all white bathroom.

I wonder if the servants have prepared my bath yet!

Till next time

Sharon x

Images : 1. Tumblr, 2., 3., 4. SimplyPix, 5 AtticMag,
 6. Decorare, 7. House Beautiful, 8. Tumblr, 9. House Beautiful, 10. James McDonald Photography,
 11. Wonderful Palmetto Life, 12. Block and Chisel, 13. Casa Decorada, 14. Green Like Bathwater
 15. Tumblr, 16 House Beautiful, 17. Zsa Zsa Bellagio, 18 Georgiana Design.
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