Friday, March 31, 2017

Big bathroom renovation progress!

Hey all! I'm excited so many of you are taking advantage of the free Mrs. Meyer's cleaning set I shared earlier this week. If you missed it, head on over and take a look. It's only good through Tuesday so get it while you can. 

I'm thrilled with the progress on the upstairs bathroom this week! We weren't planning on moving forward on it quite so quick, but the contractors came over to give us a quote and then had some days available so we went ahead. 

Here's a reminder of where we started: 

I did a very inexpensive bathroom makeover with paint and a few new accessories last year. Before it was bright yellow from when our boy was born ten years ago. :) 

I've wanted to take that wall between the rooms down for years and have had the makeover plan in my mind all that time. I got a wild hair a couple weeks ago and just started knocking the wall down

FUN times! It really was...I was so happy to start this. 

When I last shared it, I was at this point:

I then finished up taking out the studs on the left and at the ceiling and cut back the pony wall a bit. 

I went back and forth on taking out the tub and surround and finally decided we needed to do it. I don't want to spend a ton on a new tub but I do want this room to fit in with the other updates we've made to the house. So the guys remove the tub and surround and I knew immediately it was the right choice: 

They put the insulation back in before covering the wall. :) 

We went with a slightly bigger tub -- 32 inches instead of 30 wide. I didn't realize we had such a tiny one in there! The new tub was $200, which is even cheaper than what I had budgeted:

They had to move some plumbing around to make the new tub work, but I love it so far!

I know there's no curtain and that's why it looks so much bigger...but man, does it feel bigger! I'm most excited about the little things -- I love that we added a niche for shampoo/soap:

And I had them add a light over the shower -- best thing ever. We have the light on the fan but it still felt dark. 

The BEST part is that they framed the new window out. And we realized to do that correctly (to code with a header and the proper framing), we would have had to take the surround out anyway. We couldn't have done the window properly if we had tried to do it with that. ended up being good thing. The window is just framed out for now (I need to order it this weekend), but man, I cannot WAIT to have more natural light in this room. Every time I walk by this dark hole I imagine how bright and airy it's going to be. 

Here's a reminder of what this room looked like a couple weeks ago: 

And this is it today: 

I'll be making shower curtain that will hang from the ceiling -- I think that helps to make it feel even more open. 

Next steps for me are to frame out the pony wall and small wall around the vent and get it ready for drywall. Then I'll take the vanity out, pull up the vinyl (and put down the correct backer board) and tile the floors. I hope to have the tile done two weeks from now. 

I've only looked one place so far (The Tile Shop when I was picking up the niche for the shower), but I fell in love with these for the floor:

I'm going to keep looking but aren't those awesome? Love the linen look.  

After I finish the floor tile we can add the plumbing for the additional sink and I plan to build the vanity. Have you seen how expensive vanities are? It's crazy town. My goal is to have at least some of the bathroom functioning most of the time. Right now the sink and toilet are fine. While I work on tile none of it will be usable for at least a week. 

I think we can have this bathroom nearly done in three weeks, but I'll be doing most of it, so it depends on how quickly I can get this stuff done. I'll take you along for the ride as always! 

I'm taking a few days away to spend with family next week but I'll be back at the end of the week! Have a wonderful weekend! 

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