Sunday, July 28, 2013

Gone to the Beach

We are in the grip of a cold wet winter here in Cape Town so I decided a virtual beach holiday was just the ticket.  Here are some lovely beachy pictures to get me in the mood. You might be lucky enough to be having a real beach holiday - if not, feel free to join me on my imaginary one.

So as the sun sets on my little dream beach holiday - I bid you adieu and wish you a wonderful week.
Till next time
Sharon x
Image source: 1. Pinterest, 2. Green Like Bathwater, 3. Tumble 4. Charming Spaces Tumble, 5. Zsa Zsa Bellagio, 6. Simply Pix, 7, 8. Tumblr, 9., 10. Casa Decorada, 11. Plum Pretty Sugar, 12, 13. Zsa Zsa Bellagio, 14, 15 Charming Spcaes Tumblr 16. Cakestands and Buttondowns, 17. Crush Cul de Sac, 18. Dyig of Cute, 19 Google, 20. Molly Golly, 21 Nicety Live Journal, 22. Casa Decorada, 23. La La Bonne Vie

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