Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Aesthete's Alphabet - P is for Picnics

I am a big fan of picnics. Finding a spot in the great outdoors, preferably with a beautiful view, delicious food and wine, family and's hard to beat.

But, make no mistake, a great picnic requires precision and planning! Whether you are getting to your destination by foot.... car....

....or even by bicycle... need to have the right picnic paraphernalia.
A pretty picnic basket or tote is a good starting point....
....a container to keep your special bottle of wine from breaking en route  (we can't allow that!)...
....a stylish cooler bag....
....plates and cutlery (try and avoid plastic of you can!) and linen napkins....
....and to round it off, a good looking and comfortable picnic blanket.
It goes without saying that the food must be fresh and tasty as well as beautifully presented. No sweaty sandwiches wrapped in plastic wrap for this girl!

If you have room, bring along a cushion or two...great for post prandial naps!

A board game or a good book is a good idea (no techno toys please really spoils the effect!)

This is how we do it in Africa.... how do you do your picnics?

Stay tuned for Q is for  ?????

Till next time
Sharon x

All images via pinterest and tumblr


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Gone to the Beach

We are in the grip of a cold wet winter here in Cape Town so I decided a virtual beach holiday was just the ticket.  Here are some lovely beachy pictures to get me in the mood. You might be lucky enough to be having a real beach holiday - if not, feel free to join me on my imaginary one.

So as the sun sets on my little dream beach holiday - I bid you adieu and wish you a wonderful week.
Till next time
Sharon x
Image source: 1. Pinterest, 2. Green Like Bathwater, 3. Tumble 4. Charming Spaces Tumble, 5. Zsa Zsa Bellagio, 6. Simply Pix, 7, 8. Tumblr, 9., 10. Casa Decorada, 11. Plum Pretty Sugar, 12, 13. Zsa Zsa Bellagio, 14, 15 Charming Spcaes Tumblr 16. Cakestands and Buttondowns, 17. Crush Cul de Sac, 18. Dyig of Cute, 19 Google, 20. Molly Golly, 21 Nicety Live Journal, 22. Casa Decorada, 23. La La Bonne Vie