Monday, December 16, 2013

Peace on Earth

I was at an all girls high school and every year the whole school of about 600 girls would put on a Christmas Carol Service for the public to come and listen to.

We would practice for hours every day in the months leading up to this big event.
We all had to wear white knee length dresses and have our hair neatly tied back.
 Some of the carols were sung in other languages, and there were harmonies, descants and alto's.

It really was a beautiful occasion and to this day, many, many years later, I still remember the whole of Silent Night in German and Oh Come all ye Faithful in Latin.

A recording was made of the event and every year, when we decorate our Christmas tree, I play the CD of The Collegiate Carols and take a trip down memory lane. 

We ended the carol service with a very moving hymn called "Deep Peace"....

...and it is with these words that I would like to extend best wishes to you, my wonderful readers......

Deep peace of the running wave to you....
Deep peace of the flowing air to you....
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you....
Deep peace of the shining stars to you....

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful year ahead.
Till next time
Sharon x

Image source: 1. Unknown, 2. Simplypix, 3-10.  Tumblr, 11. Zsa Zsa Bellagio 

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