Sunday, January 5, 2014


I love a new year. I love that feeling of renewed hope, both for myself and the world in general. I have stopped making resolutions that I don't or can't keep, but I do feel that 2014 has the potential to be a fabulous year for all of us.

To quote Einstein " Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."

To my readers all over the world, a heartfelt thank you for your continued support of my blog and wishing you a New Year filled with possibilities!

On to today's post.... as much as I love decorating for Christmas, I think I prefer the "undecorating" after the event.

You might find it hard to believe, but I think I might be a closet minimalist.

When all the decorations are down and packed away, my home looks very bare and uncluttered and I love it.

The furniture seems to have more room to breath without being adorned with accessories.....

The art on the walls doesn't have to compete for attention....

...the light fittings become more noticeable....

....the air flows through the rooms...

...and the few decorative items that are displayed make more of a statement.

But, alas, it doesn't last!

I like beautiful things...

....and I like displaying beautiful things....

 ....and I probably have too many beautiful things.... they slowly, but surely creep back out of the cupboards and onto a table here or a dresser there....

...and before I know it, the minimalist look is gone.

Do you suffer from the same malaise?

What I should do, is keep many of my things packed away....

....and when I want to take something out to display, force myself to remove something else...a sort of rotation basis...

I have a friend who is like that with her wardrobe....every time she buys a new item of clothing, she forces herself to throw an existing item out!

Sadly, I don't think I have that kind of discipline....

...and I am quite attached to many of my things....

So I just have to rely on Christmas coming every year (luckily, so far, its been very reliable)

...and then I can make a fresh start after the "undecorating".

Till next time
x Sharon

Image source: 1. Cote de Texas 2. Sweet Montana 3. Cote de Texas 4.  Decorare  13. Cote de Texas 18.  From Greenwich 19.  Rik Storms 20. Christophe 21.  Under Spanish Moss.  All other pictures from Tumblr and Pinterest

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