Saturday, April 29, 2017

Autumn is in the Air

I'm so pleased that Autumn is here. I find that the older I get the less I can tolerate the heat of summer. Autumn suits me so much better. I love the cooler, still days and look forward to the slight chill of the evening air. This morning I gathered a whole bunch of fallen leaves from my plain tree and displayed them under a cloche.

 This combined with an Autumn-coloured beagle on a chair - Autumn decorating done and dusted,  Although I am lusting after the oak leaf bowl from NetDecor.

I came across a picture of this patio above ("stoep" if you're South African), and it reminded me of Autumn. I love the introduction of the terracotta shades mixed with the grey and stone, the weathered wood and wicker, and the succulents which add a little injection of colour. 

On further investigation, I discover that it is the handiwork of Charlottte Daneel (above) of whom I have long been an admirer. I first met her many years ago when I went on an outing with some girlfriends to Le Grange in Franschhoek which she then owned. There was a talk by Gary Searle of St Leger and Viney fame, on caring for linen, which included a lucky draw, the prize being a set of exquisite linen, and I won. Yay! We had lunch on the stoep of the shop which was hosted by Charlotte and I was so impressed by her effortless style. I decided that when I grow up I want to be just like her. 

Since leaving Franschhoek, she has obtained a number of properties in the Karoo which is apparently very close to her heart. Having grown up in the Karoo myself, I feel the same way. Maybe Charlotte and I are soul sisters. This particular property is called Langhuis (Longhouse in English) and it is in the quaint Karoo town of Graaff-Reinett. It is available to rent through Perfect Hideaways.

I love everything about Charlotte's design style. Rustic and casual, with little touches of refinement, and mostly neutrals with lots of texture. 

How could you not feel relaxed, spending a holiday in these environs?

The bedrooms are dressed in calming neutrals and layers of cozy texture. 

Succulents feature in almost every room and are the perfect touch in this semi-desert Karoo environment. 

The lush lawn contrasts with the Karoo landscape in the background. 

I could very happily spend a weekend in these beautiful surroundings. Husband, are you listening?

That's all folks!

Till next time

Sharon x

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pumpkin colours

We had a wonderful trip to Paris and I promise to post some pics as soon as I get organised enough. Life has been somewhat busy since we got back and some days our time away seems like it was all just a dream. While on that subject of "busy-ness", I read somewhere that having a busy, busy life isn't the status symbol that some people seem to think it's just a sign of bad time management. Makes one think, doesn't it?

Moving on to other things....  Halloween is not really a big thing here in South Africa. The kids have caught on to the trick or treating idea - any excuse to gather a collection of sweets and treats, but generally people don't decorate their houses or celebrate the day in any significant way, as they do in the USA. But, because many of my blog friends and readers are American, I thought a post featuring the rich autumn colours of pumpkins might be appropriate.

Wishing you a all good week ahead and try not to be too busy! Doing nothing every now and then is good for the soul!
Till next time
Sharon x

Images all from Tumblr and Pinterest