Saturday, April 29, 2017

Autumn is in the Air

I'm so pleased that Autumn is here. I find that the older I get the less I can tolerate the heat of summer. Autumn suits me so much better. I love the cooler, still days and look forward to the slight chill of the evening air. This morning I gathered a whole bunch of fallen leaves from my plain tree and displayed them under a cloche.

 This combined with an Autumn-coloured beagle on a chair - Autumn decorating done and dusted,  Although I am lusting after the oak leaf bowl from NetDecor.

I came across a picture of this patio above ("stoep" if you're South African), and it reminded me of Autumn. I love the introduction of the terracotta shades mixed with the grey and stone, the weathered wood and wicker, and the succulents which add a little injection of colour. 

On further investigation, I discover that it is the handiwork of Charlottte Daneel (above) of whom I have long been an admirer. I first met her many years ago when I went on an outing with some girlfriends to Le Grange in Franschhoek which she then owned. There was a talk by Gary Searle of St Leger and Viney fame, on caring for linen, which included a lucky draw, the prize being a set of exquisite linen, and I won. Yay! We had lunch on the stoep of the shop which was hosted by Charlotte and I was so impressed by her effortless style. I decided that when I grow up I want to be just like her. 

Since leaving Franschhoek, she has obtained a number of properties in the Karoo which is apparently very close to her heart. Having grown up in the Karoo myself, I feel the same way. Maybe Charlotte and I are soul sisters. This particular property is called Langhuis (Longhouse in English) and it is in the quaint Karoo town of Graaff-Reinett. It is available to rent through Perfect Hideaways.

I love everything about Charlotte's design style. Rustic and casual, with little touches of refinement, and mostly neutrals with lots of texture. 

How could you not feel relaxed, spending a holiday in these environs?

The bedrooms are dressed in calming neutrals and layers of cozy texture. 

Succulents feature in almost every room and are the perfect touch in this semi-desert Karoo environment. 

The lush lawn contrasts with the Karoo landscape in the background. 

I could very happily spend a weekend in these beautiful surroundings. Husband, are you listening?

That's all folks!

Till next time

Sharon x