Hejsan allihopa! There's been a whole load of white going on here over the past few days so I thought it was time to indulge in something a little different....
Do you ever have one of those nightmares where you're trying to get somewhere but obstacles keep getting in your way?! It's like my day - but for real!...
Hello there! I hope you had a wonderful weekend? The man and I have been in Gothenburg for a couple of days where I finally paid a visit to Artilleriet...
I have a confession to make. We had a bit of a late night on Saturday (always a sign of a good party right?!). It was worth it of course, but it does...
As the days get darker and colder here in Sweden it's tempting to stay indoors, light candles and cocoon yourself in a jumble of soft blankets (I'm thinking...