Monday, June 20, 2016

How To Care For The Lovely Air Plants

How To Care For The Lovely Air Plants

Hey there my lovely people! How are you? Are you enjoying the beautiful days? I’m always here to inspire you and awaken your creativity. For today, I have a collection of How To Care For The Lovely Air Plants .
Air plants or Tillandsia have become really popular lately and that’s mostly due to their minimal requirements and easy maintenance. Caring for an air plant is very simple and there are tons of stylish ways in which you can use these to decorate your home. Whether you display them in a terrarium, hang them with fishing line or put them in a glass bowl, air plants always look lovely and very chic.

Although there are many different types of air plants and lots of different species, the most common one is Tillandsia. This is the symbol of air plants everywhere, representing more than 500 other species. Other air plants found in nature include the Spanish moss, ball moss, broad needleleaf, Bartram’s air plant, Chinese evergreen, peace lily, snake plant and weeping fig.

I would love to know your opinion, so please share your comments below. Thank you for reading!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

DIY Garden Ideas to Grow Fruits Or Vegetables In Your Garden

DIY Garden Ideas to Grow Fruits Or Vegetables In Your Garden

 DIY Garden Ideas to Grow Fruits Or Vegetables In Your Garden

 Hey there my dear people! How are you? Are you enjoying the beautiful days? I’m always here to give you some amazing ideas and inspire you to decorate your interior and yard. For today, I have a very interesting post that is called “10 DIY Garden Ideas People Use to Grow Fruits and Vegetables “. Are you excited?

I think that we should all agree that the homegrown  fruits and veggies are the best. If you don’t have enough space, there’s no need to feel left out. There are tons of wonderful ideas to build the most practical garden. Let’s check them out and draw some inspiration. Enjoy and have fun.

 So, what do you think about these diy garden ideas people around world use to grow vegetables and fruits my dear people? Which one is your favorite? I would love to know your opinion, so please share your comments below

 As there are million ways to grow veggies, you should first observe your space. Determine the areas that remain shaded and which get the most sunlight for the longest period of time, so that you can ensure that your garden get plenty of sunshine.

The vertical gardens are the best for those who are space-limited and can’t opt for raised beds. You should not spend a fortune on the most functional gardening systems, because there are million cheap ways to make your own gardens.

 Pockets and pallets are ideas for growing fruits and different type of greens like kale, spinach, lettuce, herbs and edible flowers. You just need to take advantage of the sunny spots. The wooden pallets can be divided into separate compartments for different herbs.

 Cans, bottles and gutters can also be transformed into beautiful garden designs. You just need to drill some holes into the bottom of each planter alternative and tuck your plants into them. Instead of choosing root vegetables, you should go with lettuces and mixed herbs.

 Melons, hops, cucumbers, squashes, nasturtiums, tomatoes, peas and beans love to climb. Find some sort of frame so that your herbs and plants use to climb on their way up.