Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Beautiful DIY pedestal candles (using dollar store items!)

Hello there! Can you believe I'm writing to you at night? I haven't done this for years now! Ah, the memories! I was out of town in Chicago yesterday and most of today so I'm sharing this late. 

I'm continuing my dollar store candle DIYs with this beauty! You can see the snowy candles I shared earlier this week here. This is such a good one folks...I actually made these six years ago and I can't believe it's taken me this long to make them again! I think one of them broke a few years back and I never got to making a new match. 

I started over with two this time and they are so pretty! You'll need two things from the dollar store -- a glass candlestick and a glass cylinder candle holder: 

You can use any glue that will adhere glass. There's a few out there so just do what is easiest. This time I used this aquarium sealant I had from a past project: 

Just few put a few little dabs along the top of the candlestick holder: 

And center the larger candle holder on top. Leave it alone to cure for the recommended time -- my sealant said 24 hours so even though it was sticking fine within 20 minutes, I left them alone for awhile. 

There are so many possibilities with these candle pedestals! I threw a few together to show you the different options for Christmas. I used cinnamon stick filler and nestled a glass votive inside with a tealight candle: 

I love the simple look of some glittery berries too: 

This is where I must say -- remember to never leave these unattended! If you want to use something like these berries I'd recommend a battery-operated candle -- I was using what I had to share these options with you.

I had some pretty glittery strands that I put in the bottom: 

This simple one with a few sprigs of greenery is a favorite of mine!: 


I love the fake snow in the bottom -- how pretty would that be with red candles? I wish I had red!: 

I ended up using some gold sand I've had stored away -- it's so pretty!:

I felt like the new stacked stone fireplace needed some candlelight and these are perfect!: 

These are super pretty with just the candle too! No need to add more -- but it's fun to dress them up for the holidays. 

At two bucks a pop you could make a ton for a beautiful centerpiece on a table or buffet! They really are so pretty: 

This is one of my favorite dollar store DIYs! You can do so much with them! They'd be pretty and simple gifts too. Do you have any dollar store decor hacks you love?

Here's an image to pin if you are interested in saving this project for later or you can go here to repin:

Affiliate link included for your convenience! 

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