Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Share your best of 2016!

Hello and happy new year! I hope your start to 2017 was happy and healthy. I know I say this a lot during different seasons...but this is one of my very favorite times of the year! I LOVE taking down the Christmas decor (as much as I love it) and having our house all bright and clean and open again. LOVE. IT.

I know my posting schedule has been wonky lately but things will get back to normal by next week...we're just now starting to get back to a normal schedule again (school...blah!). This time is an exciting one though because our schedules open up again and my mind gets going to all of the fun projects I want to tackle throughout the year. More on that soon!

I shared my best and biggest projects from last year in this post and I thought it would be fun to look back on your "best of the best" of 2016 -- my favorite projects linked up to the before and after link up each month. I welcome you to share your favorite DIYs and before and afters of the year at the end of this post! It's fun to look back at your projects...these were just a few of my favorites!

At February's party I shared Kammy's DIY solution to a table that serves both levels in her kitchen:

It's more of a table up top and a bar when you step down into the other part of the room. I think this is such a brilliant way to deal with what could be an awkward spot. 

In March I shared Sharon's clean and bright mudroom makeover:

You know how I'm a sucker for black doors!

In April Liz's stained and painted dresser stopped me in my tracks:

I love gray with anything, and especially with wood tones. Beautiful!

In May I shared Stephanie's pretty dining room makeover:

Those small rectangles on the wall make a big impact!

I'm pretty sure I forgot about the party in June (it was a trend in 2016), but in July I was wowed by Monica's pretty fireplace makeover:

That tile is so pretty! I may be using it in our home this year too! 

Carli's pretty patio makeover in August already has me excited for the spring:

Love her bright, fun colors!

And in September Jenna's pretty powder room makeover stole the show:

Such a pretty, serene space, right? Just lovely!

In October I loved Kim's DIY solution to a bunch of the kid stuff in her son's room:

This giant pegboard is cute and holds a ton of stuff! I LOVE that it looks like art.

And finally, in November I shared April's pretty farmhouse kitchen makeover:

What a pretty and bright kitchen! Love it!

Now let's kick of the 2017 by looking back at some of your favorites from 2016. I'd love to see a few of your favorite projects or rooms from last year! If you'd like to be considered for next month's round up, be sure to put a link to this post or copy and paste this button into your post:
<div align="center"><a href="http://www.thriftydecorchick.blogspot.com/" title="TDC Before and After" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.homestoriesatoz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/beforeAndAfterButton_thumb1.gif" alt="TDC Before and After" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Now let's see your favorites from 2016:

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