Monday, February 6, 2017

Amazing before and after projects (and link up your own!)

Well hello! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! I'm back today with the Before and After Party for the month of February and have some awesome projects to share with you from last month.

I invited you all to link up your favorite projects from 2016 and you guys did not disappoint! I found a ton to share with you today. You can link up your recent before and afters at the bottom of the post.

Lisa found a dark wood table at the consignment store and shares how she transformed it into a beautiful farmhouse table instead:

Pam shared her spring tour (which has me ready for green grass again!) from 2016, and I always DROOL over her gorgeous DIY vent hood:

She links to how they did that project in the post. I just love it!

I can't remember if I've shared Denise's master closet makeover, but even if I have, it's worth showing off again:
I love some good organization!

If you love it too, you'll have to check out this amazing closet that Samantha organized: 

Wow, it is gorgeous! I'm picking my jaw off the floor. Samantha gives some great organizing tips in that post as well. 

Kris shared her stunning family room makeover:

You have to check out her beautiful TV wall as well! It's all so well done. 

I loved Kristen's eclectic kitchen makeover:

That backsplash tile is gorgeous and I love the wood tone on the island. Beautiful! 

Angela shared her pretty bedroom makeover:
Everything is so light and beautiful...what a lovely space to sleep in!

And finally, Jenny shared a bunch of her favorites from 2016, including her son's bedroom makeover:

You know I love that dark accent wall! Love that "X" detail over the window too! 

See? So many awesome projects! Now let's see what you've been up to so far this year! If you'd like to be considered for next month's round up, be sure to include a link to TDC in your post or copy and paste this code:  

<div align="center"><a href="" title="TDC Before and After" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="TDC Before and After" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Now let's see what you've got for this month!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Share your best of 2016!

Hello and happy new year! I hope your start to 2017 was happy and healthy. I know I say this a lot during different seasons...but this is one of my very favorite times of the year! I LOVE taking down the Christmas decor (as much as I love it) and having our house all bright and clean and open again. LOVE. IT.

I know my posting schedule has been wonky lately but things will get back to normal by next week...we're just now starting to get back to a normal schedule again (school...blah!). This time is an exciting one though because our schedules open up again and my mind gets going to all of the fun projects I want to tackle throughout the year. More on that soon!

I shared my best and biggest projects from last year in this post and I thought it would be fun to look back on your "best of the best" of 2016 -- my favorite projects linked up to the before and after link up each month. I welcome you to share your favorite DIYs and before and afters of the year at the end of this post! It's fun to look back at your projects...these were just a few of my favorites!

At February's party I shared Kammy's DIY solution to a table that serves both levels in her kitchen:
DIY breakfast bar two levels

It's more of a table up top and a bar when you step down into the other part of the room. I think this is such a brilliant way to deal with what could be an awkward spot. 

In March I shared Sharon's clean and bright mudroom makeover:
modern mudroom with built ins

You know how I'm a sucker for black doors!

In April Liz's stained and painted dresser stopped me in my tracks:
gray and wood dresser

I love gray with anything, and especially with wood tones. Beautiful!

In May I shared Stephanie's pretty dining room makeover:
squares on whole wall

Those small rectangles on the wall make a big impact!

I'm pretty sure I forgot about the party in June (it was a trend in 2016), but in July I was wowed by Monica's pretty fireplace makeover:
bright white fireplace with marble

That tile is so pretty! I may be using it in our home this year too! 

Carli's pretty patio makeover in August already has me excited for the spring:
small patio updates

Love her bright, fun colors!

And in September Jenna's pretty powder room makeover stole the show:
powder room cement tiles shiplap

Such a pretty, serene space, right? Just lovely!

In October I loved Kim's DIY solution to a bunch of the kid stuff in her son's room:
DIY pegboard for kids storage

This giant pegboard is cute and holds a ton of stuff! I LOVE that it looks like art.

And finally, in November I shared April's pretty farmhouse kitchen makeover:
farmhouse kitchen makeover

What a pretty and bright kitchen! Love it!

Now let's kick of the 2017 by looking back at some of your favorites from 2016. I'd love to see a few of your favorite projects or rooms from last year! If you'd like to be considered for next month's round up, be sure to put a link to this post or copy and paste this button into your post:
&lt;div align="center">&lt;a href="" title="TDC Before and After" target="_blank">&lt;img src="" alt="TDC Before and After" style="border:none;" />&lt;/a>&lt;/div>

Now let's see your favorites from 2016:

Monday, November 7, 2016

Awesome before and after projects (and link up your own!)

Hello all! Guess what?! It's the first Monday of the month and I remembered that it's the day of the Before and After Link Up! I haven't been great at getting this up on time the past few nine months so this is a big deal for me. I'm getting old. ;)

As always, I show off some of the awesome projects linked up from last month first. I was blown away by April's pretty kitchen makeover!:
modern farmhouse kitchen makeover

SO lovely! I love all of her little details in this space -- those lights and the chairs are my favorites.

If you are considering a kitchen makeover but the cost of new countertops is too much, you need to check out Jennifer's post on how to build your own laminate counters:
DIY laminate countertops tutorial

Laminate has come such a long way! Doesn't that look like soap stone? She shares a great tutorial on how to do this project -- it's a fraction of the cost of buying them ready-made. 

Jenny shared a couple more awesome kitchen makeovers -- if you remember she's the one who came over and taught me how to paint our kitchen cabinets like a pro. She has been busy painting oak cabinets left and right since then!: 
how to paint oak cabinets

I LOVE these dark gray cabinets with the pretty white backsplash! 

Megan showed how they built a DIY countertop over their front loaders in the laundry room: 
how to build a counter over washer and dryer

I know many want to do the same and she shares every step of the process. What a great, spacious spot to stand and fold clothes!

Samantha shared her home dressed up for fall and her dining room is such a pretty space!:
light green walls dining room

You can see more of her fall home tour at the link!

Becca's sunroom is gorgeous -- they added a little something to this space that added to the character even more: 
white sunroom

Oh man, I want to get cozy on that sofa and read for hours! This is such a peaceful room.

If you'd like to be considered for next month's round up, please link to TDC in your post or you can copy and paste this code into your post:

<div align="center"><a href="" title="TDC Before and After" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="TDC Before and After" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Now let's see what you've been up to recently! Can you believe we only have two months left of 2016? It's blowing my mind!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The best before and afters (and link up your own!)

Hello my friends! Hope you had a lovely holiday weekend! We took off for the west coast for a few days last week and spent some time in Napa Valley for my first time. It was absolutely wonderful! I may blog about the trip because the pictures themselves are worth it.

I've been so busy since we got back -- the time away rejuvenated me! I have a fun surprise room makeover to share with you next week. I feel like I've been painting something or another for weeks now and I'm really looking forward to taking a few weeks off of doing that. :) I can't wait to show you though. AND this week I'm sharing the loft makeover reveal too…which I absolutely adore.

But first, let's kick off another before and after link up for September! Fall is here!! (I know, not technically, but the start of September is good enough for me.)

Here are some of the projects that caught my eye from last month's link up!

Stacy's DIY bookcases are AWESOME!:
DIY bookcases around window

Oh I love them! They remind me of the bookcases we built in my son's room (but these are even better). Now I'm thinking I need to add the cubby above the window as well. I love that look.

Karrah made over her plain flat door and it looks fantastic:
updating flat door

Some simple trim and paint makes all the difference, right? A project like this will make an older home feel so updated! 

Cassie's DIY chicken coop was too cute not to share:
DIY chicken coop
Just look at their bright blue house! Love it! I wish we could have chickens. 

Rhoda's bathroom makeover is SO well done:
classic black and white bathroom redo

The colors are great and I want that tower! So pretty and functional for a bathroom!

Jenna's powder room redo was another favorite -- both of these bathrooms turned out beautifully!:
farmhouse style powder room with shiplap
That tile has me swooning. And the light gray vanity is perfection.

The view from Kim's new screened porch is unbelievable:
DIY screened in porch
I mean, come ON! Check out her post for more photos and the materials they used.

Kristine repurposed an old sewing machine table to make this beautiful nightstand:
repurposing old sewing table

I LOVE that she repurposed it -- it looks so good! And that is a beautiful bedroom too.

And last but not least, Stephanie made over a play room to a more grown up space for her family. I loved every bit of it:
industrial wood wall with table

That wall! Oh my. The room is clean and streamlined but a super functional space that looks like a cozy spot to hang out. 

If you'd like to be considered for next month's recap of the party, please include a link to TDC in your post, or copy and paste this code into it: 

<div align="center"><a href="" title="TDC Before and After" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="TDC Before and After" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Now it's time to link up again! I'd LOVE to see some fall projects! :) Can't wait to see what you have to share this month! 


Monday, August 1, 2016

Beautiful before and after projects (and link up your own!)

Can you believe it? It's the first Monday of the month and I actually remembered the before and after link up! I'm kind of proud of myself. ;)

I found some fantastic projects to share with you today and then you can link up your own for August. Can we take a minute and cry over how fast this summer has gone?? It was such a fun couple of months for us. (Remember when summer was actually three months?) I do always enjoy when life has some structure again, but I will miss our summer days. We are soaking up the last bits of it over the next couple of weeks.

So here we go -- some of my favorite projects you all shared last month. This super cool bar in Breann's home is awesome:
DIY industrial bar

They built it themselves and I love the wood with the industrial chairs. What a fun spot!

Sonya's shed is SO COOL! It was truly transformed with paint -- she painted (literally) everything and what a difference it made:
Shed makeover

What a great space to get away or for the kids to hang out. I love that it feels like a little cabin in her backyard!

Monica's patio updates had me swooning:
Patio with outdoor curtains

Gorgeous, right?? I've been going back and forth on outdoor curtains for our pergola and this has me convinced we should do it. Classic and beautiful.

I also LOVED Carli's deck reveal:
Colorful deck redo

It all feels so lush and I love all of the pretty colors she used. 

Mari-Jane made some simple changes to her laundry room and it turned out beautifully!:
simple ideas for functional laundry room

I love that it's super functional too. That wood counter is so beautiful, and I love all the folding space!

Denise made over her closet and I love how everything has a place:
organization in master closet
I've been wanting to tweak some items in ours to make it work even better and I love her organization!

And last but certainly not least, Gillian made over their small bathroom and simple updates made such a difference:
simple updates for small bathroom
You really have to see the before to truly appreciate their work -- it's a beautiful little bathroom now!

If you would like to be considered for next month's recap, please either link to Thrifty Decor Chick in your post or copy and paste this button into it:

<div align="center"><a href="" title="TDC Before and After" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="TDC Before and After" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Now let's see what you've been up to recently! I love seeing these before and after posts!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May Before and After Link Up!

Hello all! It's time for another before and after link up -- one of my favorite days of the month in one of my favorite months of the year! You guys always knock it out of the park and I love looking through your posts. If you are new around here, this link up is a fantastic way to find new-to-you blogs.

Be warned though -- you'll get sucked down the rabbit hole of DIY and decorating. :)

Before we kick it off I've gathered from last month to show off. First up, Susie's pantry is a-mah-zing!!
Wall of pantry shelves

Hello! I love it. You know what I love the most? That the shelves aren't deep -- you can see everything!  If I had more space I would totally design a pantry this way.

I'm moving my garden and got started last weekend. I feel like I'm so late getting it planted this year! Since it's on my mind I loved Laura's raised garden bed:
Covered raised garden

We have lots of critters that grab my veggies -- I'll wait till a tomato is just about ready to pick and go out and it will be gone. :) I love this idea of the doors to keep them out!

Carol's white kitchen is beautiful! I love the light gray tile against the white cabinets:
light blue tile white kitchen

As much as I love totally white kitchens I do love some contrast too. This is lovely!

Stephanie did such a great job on her dining room makeover:
Neutral dining room
I love the trim on the walls -- she used thin molding instead of the more traditional board and batten look. This is a more modern take on the look and it's fantastic.

Juliana shares an awesome trick for inexpensive curtain rods:
DIY curtain rods for less

These would be a great option if you need longer lengths. And you can pick the finials you want!

Lora updated an old vanity and my favorite part is how she raised it up higher off the ground:

raising a bathroom vanity

I don't mind our current master vanity but it's so low -- I've considered just raising it up to make it work when we remodel that space down the road. This post is super helpful!

And finally, but certainly not least, Sarah shared a fantastic tutorial on how to paint over linoleum floors:
painting linoleum flooring

I especially love the stripes! What a huge difference!

If you'd like to be considered for next month's recap, please link back to this post or copy and paste this code into your post:

<div align="center"><a href="" title="TDC Before and After" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="TDC Before and After" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Now let's see what you've been up to lately! Please link up only your own projects.