Sunday, November 27, 2022

Vintage Modern Christmas Mudroom 2022

A vintage modern mudroom decorated for Christmas with simple neutrals and classic vintage decor! 

I got a late start decorating for Christmas this year, but I took advantage of a couple lazy days after Thanksgiving to empty a few more Christmas bins. 

Last week, I unpacked my favorite Christmas bin and shared ways to decorate and style vintage Santa mugs.  Today, I'm sharing a peek into my vintage-modern Christmas mudroom.  

I primarily stuck to decorating with neutrals with the exception of a little pop of red from my "new" vintage Santa head blow mold.  He was a recent Facebook Marketplace find and I could not wait to hang him in the mudroom for Christmas. 

vintage-modern Christmas mudroom

I have to admit, as I started decorating the mudroom for Christmas I gravitated towards using the same decor as last year.  I thought about changing it up a bit, but the truth is, I love what I love and I it just didn't feel right to make changes simply for the sake of sharing something new and different. 

So, here is my very neutral, very minimal, very ME holiday-decorated mudroom!

neutral Christmas modern vintage mudroom

I used a lot of what I already had then incorporated a few of my favorite holiday and non-holiday vintage finds.

These adorable vintage MCM brass deer were another Facebook Marketplace find that I absolutely adore.  Aren't they so cute?

Vintage mcm brass deer
I placed them on top of the mudroom lockers along with a thrifted sterling dish filled with ornaments and a few pieces of my favorite winter greenery.  
vintage mcm brass deer
I kept my dated calendar turned vintage hymn board on the wall, swapped out the pillows for ones that were a bit more wintery and hung my favorite full strand of antique sleigh bells from the mudroom hooks.
neutral vintage modern Christmas decor

antique sleigh bells
I also decided to keep the vintage time cardboard instead of swapping it out for a Christmas sign.  It's not a Christmas decoration, but it works well with my vintage skis and hanging bells.  
neutral vintage Christmas decor
Can we talk about those incredible brass deer?  I got them for a steal at an auction and leave them out all year long.  They are way too good to be put away in storage and only brought out during Christmastime.  
vintage modern neutral holiday decorated mudroom

brass hanging bells

vintage modern decorated mudroom, vintage brass deer
The huge vintage Santa blow mold head found a home where I had a large mirror.  It was the perfect place to hang him and I love walking by him multiple times a day.  
vintage modern Christmas decor, Santa blow mold head

Large vintage Santa blow mold face

And just for fun, here's a quick dark iPhone shot of Santa all lit up at night! 

vintage Christmas decor, Santa blow mold face

Most of my holiday decor is vintage and has been collected over time, but you can get the look with these vintage-inspired holiday alternatives



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Friday, November 18, 2022

Thrift Store Upcycle: DIY Church Hymn Board

Learn how to turn a dated wood wall calendar into a cool antique hymn board!

Yup, you read that right?  We're going to turn a dated wood wall calendar into an antique hymn board. 

A couple years ago, I was incredibly lucky to score an antique hymn board from a local auction.  In the many years that I've been thrifting and picking, I have never come across another antique Hymn board.  It quickly became one of my favorite treasured finds that I don't ever plan on selling. 

Antique hymn boards may be hard to find, but today I'm sharing how you can turn a dated wood wall calendar into your very own antique hymn board!

Vintage apothecary bottles, vintage hymn board

While out thrifting last week I came across a wood wall calendar that instantly caught my eye.  I wasn't necessarily looking for one, but as soon as I saw it I knew I could turn it into a hymn board.  


- Dated wood wall calendar (I found mine at Goodwill)
- Sanding pads for sander (80/120/150 grit)
- Hammer
- Wood Stain (I used Special Walnut and Espresso) 
- Foam brush
- Paintbrush
- Drill and small drill bit 
- Tape measure or ruler 


Before I get to the steps of how I turned a dated wood calendar into an antique hymn board I want to point out that I was winging this project as I went.  I learned along the way, so the order of steps is a little different from how I worked on the project.  Basically, do as I say and not as I did 😜 . 

Okay, now that that's out of the way, let's get to making a cool antique hymn board! 


The first thing you need to do is go thrifting and look for an old wood wall calendar.  Wood wall calendars were common in kitchens during the 80's and early 90's.  They have since faded out of style and are now relatively easy to find at thrift stores, yard sales and flea markets. 

Look for a calendar that is real wood and has a shape and style of an old hymn board.  I would pass on calendars that have a very curvy 80's vibe.  You can easily remove painted pictures and change the color of the wood, but it's not as easy to change the shape.  

The wall calendar I found at Goodwill was on the smaller side, but it was simple, easy to update and half off!  It was the perfect piece to turn into an antique hymn board. 

dated wood wall calendar

dated wood wall calendar


Luckily the majority of the pieces I wanted to remove were attached to the main piece of wood with screws, unfortunately, the decorative houses were glued on and a little trickier to remove. 

I started by unscrewing the hooks on the front then used a sharp chisel and hammer to very carefully remove the wood houses. 

taking apart dated wall calendar

In order to limit damaging the wood, I placed a sharp chisel between the houses and the main board then used a hammer to carefully push the chisel between the two pieces of wood.  I went slow and worked my way around the houses until they started to come loose. 

taking apart wood wall calendar

removing wood from wall calendar

It's okay to have glue left on the board, this can easily be removed with a sander.  You want to try and avoid gouging and damaging the wood under any added decorative glued-on pieces. 

Once I had the front complete, I flipped the board over and removed the screws that attached the wood strips. 

taking apart dated wall calendar


Before sanding the board, I filled any holes (that I wasn't reusing) with stainable wood filler.  It's very important to use stainable wood filler if you plan on staining your hymn board after sanding. 

filling holes with wood glue


I used 80-grit sandpaper to remove the dried glue that was left after prying off the houses.  This step will take a little time and you will more than likely go through a few sanding pads as the glue will begin to gum up the pads.

Once the glue was removed, I changed to a 150-grit sanding pad and sanded the rest of the board until the original stain was removed and the board was smooth.  

TIP:  If the board you are working with has a dark stain, you may need to use a lower grit sandpaper (60 or 80 grit) on the entire board and then work your way up to a higher grit.  

sanding wood wall calendar


I wanted to use wood stain I had on hand, so I applied a layer of Special Walnut, let that dry then added a coat of Espresso.  

staining wood wall calendar

stained wood wall calendar

I chose not to distress my Hymn board, but if you prefer a distressed look then now would be the time to lightly sand and distress. 


Once the stain was dry, I reattached the trim pieces that held the numbers and letters in place.  

I wanted to add another row to my board, so I drilled new holes and attached one of the trim pieces that I removed earlier.  This helped fill the large gap that was left after removing the decorative wood houses. 
attaching trim pieces to hymn board


After I had my hymn board assembled, I applied two coats of water-based poly in a matte finish.  
sealing diy antique hymn board


I wasn't planning on adding anything else to my hymn board, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it was missing something.  I decided to cut a cross out of thin scrap wood, which I attached to the top of the board using spray adhesive.  I finished off my board with vintage hymn board numbers and hung it in my mudroom.  
diy antique hymn board

diy antique hymn board

dated wall calendar turned antique hymn board

dated wall calendar turned antique hymn board

dated wall calendar turned antique hymn board

thrifted diy antique hymn board

I've updated and transformed many thrift store finds, refinished, painted and updated countless pieces of furniture, but this dated calendar turned antique hymn board is by far my favorite. 

What do you think?  Does it resemble an authentic antique hymn board? 

     Pin it for later

dated wall calendar turned antique hymn board

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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Affordable Etsy Art and New Mudroom Art

Do you like the look of original art, but can't stomach the high price tag?  Consider these beautiful, affordable and unique prints from Etsy!

Happy Thursday!

Today was cloudy, rainy and a stay inside and do nothing kind of day.  

Since working outside on furniture was out of the question, I decided to do a little indoor decor swap instead.  

A few weeks ago, I came across a Golden Retriever sketch and knew right away I had to order one for my home.  At the time, I had no idea where I would hang the dog print, but knew it would make the perfect addition to my decor.  I mean, it's a Golden Retriever that looks just like my Ellie.  How could I resist?  

Vintage modern mudroom, etsy artwork
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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Modern Mudroom Refresh with Walmart

Refresh your entry or mudroom with beautiful and neutral decor from Walmart! 

This post is sponsored by Walmart 

I've never been a fan of winter.  

It's wet, it's cold, it's dark and it always makes me feel a little down and a bit unproductive.  Does anyone else feel this way?  I surely can't be the only one. 

So, after I packed away the Christmas decor, I took the opportunity to boost my mood (and a break from working on Paige's new room) and did a little modern mudroom refresh.  I mean, what better way to improve your mood than a little styling and decorating?

Black modern leather bench, walmart decor

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Monday, November 22, 2021

Holiday Home Tour 2021: Vintage Modern Christmas Mudroom

A vintage modern mudroom decorated with simple neutral Christmas decor! 

It's time to start Christmas decorating!

The mudroom is one of my favorite rooms in the house and where I was most excited to decorate.  

Last year, I added a few pops of red to my Christmas decor, but this year, I kept my holiday decor completely neutral.  It's a little vintage, a little modern, a lot neutral and completely transitions from Christmas to winter. 

vintage modern neutral Christmas mudroom
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